Calvary Chapel Fortuna


Fortuna Events
This week our community hosts an event (AutoExpo) that draws thousands of visitors each year. With this in mind, please pray for their safety and for opportunities for us to share the gospel with them. Pray for open doors and open hearts to hear and receive the Good News of Jesus as they visit our area.
Operation Christmas Child
Shoeboxes will be arriving Sunday, August 11th. Summer is a great time to find those special gifts and back to school items. Note: OCC will no longer be allowing bar soap in shoeboxes. For more information, please visit or see Jo Ann Fritz.
SONCCC Women's Conference
The Southern Oregon Northern California Calvary Chapel Women's Conference is scheduled for Friday night, Saturday, September 13 & 14 in Redding at the Little Country Church. Speakers for the conference are Mindi Love and Sandy MacIntosh and the theme is "The Book of Ruth".

Friday night starting at 7:30 PM is a time of worship where you can lift your voice and praise God with the worship team. The conference doors opens Saturday at 8:00 AM and the teaching starting at 9:00 AM. The cost for the conference is $32 and includes lunch at the church. A gluten-free lunch option is available. Registration is NOW open and can be found at Women's Conference.

Registration is on-line, but in the church foyer will be a paper sign-up sheet for carpooling, and such. (Friday afternoon shopping excursions have been known to happen.) There are conference scholarships available where needed. Pray about going to the conference. It is a blessing to attend and hear what God has given Mindi and Sandy to share.
Men's Breakfast
Saturday August 3 at 8:30 AM will be our next men's breakfast in the fellowship hall. Come out and share with the brothers of the church, have a fantastic meal, and hear a great devotional message. Men and boys of all ages are welcome. Bring a friend, neighbor, or even an enemy.
Prayer Times
There is a prayer meeting every Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM. Enter the building up the ramp and in the gym door and come through the gym to the youth room. We gather before the Sunday morning service (9:30 AM) as well as before the Wednesday night (6:30 PM) bible study for open prayer as God leads and directs.
The first and third Sunday evenings (5:00 PM) we all gather for open prayer in the sanctuary.
The second and fourth Sundays evenings (5:00 PM) the men gather in the sanctuary for discipleship and prayer together.

We need you to pray with us. We pray together for the needs of the body here in Fortuna. We pray for those around the world. We pray for those students that were or will be attending "Jesus Pizza" that they would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Upcoming Dates
August 3 - - Men's Breakfast
September 13 & 14 - - SONCCC Women's Conference
Any day - Any time! - - The return of Jesus!!!!


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