Calvary Chapel Fortuna


Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is coming June 16th through the 20th and this year the theme is “Wonder Junction”. (A Western theme with cactus and an old steam train motif.) If you are crafty and would like to help prepare decorations for this event, please let Dave know. We will be planning several dates when we can get together to build and paint these decorations. Please be praying for this event and opportunity to minister to the kids and families during this week of fun and adventure.
40 Days For Life
Starting March 5th we will be participating in "40 Days For Life". "40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses." We stand legally near the entrance driveway to the Eureka Planned Parenthood office and pray for the unborn and the mothers to be. We pray for the people driving by. We pray for the workers in the PP office. You can sign up for an hour or more on any day you are available. We stand ( or sit ) and pray. The Lord does the work. For more information and to signup for prayer hours go to
2025 SONCCC Men's Conference
Men, mark you calendar for the Southern Oregon Northern California Calvary Chapel Men's Conference in Redding. "Character Matters" is the conference theme with Proverbs 22:1 "A Good Name Is To Be Chosen Rather Than Great Riches...". The conference starts Friday evening April 4th at 7:00 PM with worship and the conference continental breakfast on Saturday morning at 7:30 AM April 5th. Registration is now open. The conference is $35 and includes breakfast and lunch. T-shirts, Polo shirts and Hoodies are available to order ($20, $25, $45) until March 21 on-line with registration. On-line registration is now open. Closer to the conference a paper sign-up sheet will be in the church foyer for roommates and carpooling. Scholarships are available for those in need.
Bookstore - DVD Video Lending Library
Don't forget to check out our church bookstore! It's the first door on the right in the Sunday School wing. Come on in and browse the bookstore. Maybe you need a Bible, or children's books, devotions, Bible study helps, etc. The bookstore is stocked full of Bibles and other fine things for your convenience. If you are looking for a Bible or cards to send to family and friends, be sure to check out what is available. The book store is open Sunday mornings after the 10:00 AM service and by request on Wednesday nights.

We have many Christian video DVDs available to borrow free of charge. We have many children's videos and family videos to enjoy. The DVDs for lending are in the bookstore. You are able to choose a video and check it out, all in the bookstore.
Prayer Times
There is a prayer meeting every Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM. Enter the building up the ramp and in the gym door and come through the gym to the youth room. We gather before the Sunday morning service (9:30 AM) as well as before the Wednesday night (6:30 PM) bible study for open prayer as God leads and directs.
The first and third Sunday evenings (5:00 PM) we all gather for open prayer in the sanctuary.
The second and fourth Sundays evenings (5:00 PM) the men gather in the sanctuary for discipleship and prayer together.

We need you to pray with us. We pray together for the needs of the body here in Fortuna. We pray for those around the world. We pray for those students that were or will be attending "Jesus Pizza" that they would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Military Personnel & Missionary Board
At the church, in the hallway behind the sanctuary, near the office, we have a bulletin board showing missionaries we support as well as local military personnel to pray for. Come by and take a look at all those serving. And pray.

Upcoming Dates
March 5 - - 40 Days for Life starts
March 9 - - Daylight Saving Time starts
April 4 & 5 - - SONCCC Men's Conference
April 20 - - Resurrection Sunday
June 16 - - Vacation Bible School
Any day - Any time! - - The return of Jesus!!!!


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