Calvary Chapel Fortuna


Sunday School and Children's Ministry
We are seeking those who feel led to minister to children. We have Sunday school classes at Sunday morning service, and Wednesday night. We also are looking for those that would like to help in the nursery. You can talk to Ryan and Bre Hall or Pastor Craig for more information.

Men's Ministry
We have a monthly Men's fellowship breakfast and devotional study. We meet on the first Saturday of every month at 8:30 AM. We also participate in the Southern Oregon Northern California Calvary Chapel (SONCCC) men's conference in the spring time at the Little Country Church in Redding, California.

Women's Ministry
The women gather on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month for Bible study and fellowship. They start up in September and continue until April. In the summer a Bible study is held on Thursdays in the morning and again in the evening. The ladies also attend a women's conference (SONCCC) in September at the Little Country Church in Redding, California.

Youth Ministry
Every Wednesday, during the school year, high school students are invited to a pizza lunch at our church fellowship hall. Along with pizza, they are given the Word of God. They hear someone sharing the Bible with them as they eat. Continue to pray for God's guidence in this outreach. Pray for the students hearing the gospel. Pray for those seniors not returning the next year, that they would return to a church service and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Vacation Bible School
We have an annual VBS week in June in order to minister to the children in our community. All children are welcome to this free Bible school. Pray that the Lord would guide you to be involved. Planning meetings start in January.

Russia Outreach
We have been serving Russia since 1994. We take a team and share the gospel in cities such as Vladmir, Murom, and Sobinka Russia. We share the gospel on the streets, do skits, balloon animals, face painting, sports ministry, and Bible distribution. Pastor Craig and Tami and others as led, share and minister at the fall time Pastor's conferences in Russia.

Christian Bookstore Ministry
We have a bookstore full of Christian items including Bibles, study helps, books, cards, shirts and more. Please feel free to come and see what we have. If we don't have what you want, we may be able to order it for you. From the sanctuary it is the first door on the right, down the hall of the Sunday School wing. The book store is open Sunday mornings after the 10:00 AM service and by request on Wednesday nights.

CD Ministry
All the Sunday morning and Wednesday night messages are available on an audio CD for a donation. You can request a CD in the "Video & Audio Tape" room located behind the Sanctuary across from the Prayer room. Please write the book, chapter, and verses you would like on the sheet and include your name and phone number.

Book Lending Ministry
Our library has many Christian books to offer for your growth and enjoyment. Our library is located in our Prayer room. Feel free to browse for your selection. Sign out on the clipboard.

Video Lending Ministry
We have many Christian videos available. Browse the shelves in the bookstore for titles that interest you and they can be checked out for free. Take the empty DVD case to the counter for the DVD disk you have selected.


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